Our mission at ARCHWAY ROMANIA is simple:
to improve the quality of life of children living in the streets and sewers of Bucharest, Romania.

Our mission at ARCHWAY ROMANIA is simple:
to improve the quality of life of children living in the streets and sewers of Bucharest, Romania.

Social Street Support with food for kids!!!!

We want to let you know that we are  going through hard times. Poor and needy children and families are living  difficult times due to extreme poverty caused  by the problems their parents have at their jobs, most of them are seasonal, being extremely hard for them to assure the necessary of base food in order to offer to their kids a more decent and normal life.

A group of people in a room with bags.
A woman and child standing next to a basket of food.

Our mission together is to help and to monitor 100 poor kids from our “Social Street Support†program and to assure that they have the necessary base food  and clothing, backpacks, school supplies and sanitary products in order to prevent school dropout among poor and needy children.