Hello Friends!
We want to let you know that together with the donors and volunteers of Archway Romania we started to help needy children who come from 10 poor families with staple food (bread, potatoes, oil, rice, chocolate, fruits etc.) to help them survive in the very hard living conditions with which they are fighting, especially in the winter time, when it’s very cold and it snowed outside, being very hard for them to procure food in this hard time.

Our mission is to continue to help more needy children who come from poor families with staple food, in order to help together with you the mothers, so they can prepare for their children and families a warm meal and a package for school, and so that the children won’t suffer anymore because of hunger, poverty and bullying that makes them to drop out school and go to sleep hungry, in order to offer them a normal and happy childhood and a smile.

We would like to thank you for your help because together with you we always manage to offer to needy children a more decent and a cleaner life, a hope and a chance for a better life. We need your help further to continue and accomplish our mission of helping needy children to overcome the very difficult living conditions in which they are living.

If you want to get involved in the mission of helping needy children, you can make donations via PayPal, Bank Transfer (payment order from your bank to First Bank, Archway account) and Post Office box, and you can visit us on:
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087582820414
-YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ArchwayRomania
-TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@archwayromania?lang=en
-Post Office Box:
P.O. Box 73
46 Water Street
Guilford, CT 06437
(if you can’t donate via PayPal or bank transfer, you can send checks to the Archway P.O. Box address)
Account: RO14 PIRB 4237 7470 5700 2000 ; Currency: USD
(payment order from your bank to First Bank Romania, Archway Romania Foundation account)