Our mission at ARCHWAY ROMANIA is simple:
to improve the quality of life of children living in the streets and sewers of Bucharest, Romania.

Our mission at ARCHWAY ROMANIA is simple:
to improve the quality of life of children living in the streets and sewers of Bucharest, Romania.

Christmas for all

Christmas for all is Archway Romania’s event that started in 2008 in Bucharest, Romania. This event was started to bring awareness to the hardships of the street children living in the Capital and surrounding communities, with a focus around the Christmas holidays. Thanks to our President, Susan Booth, and generous donors and volunteers such as Cola, Calu… Continue Reading

Abandoned Children in Romania

Dear Susan, We wanted to let you know that we received the money to pay for taxes for Radu’s funeral and with the help of the Police we officially identified him. The whole week we went every single day and the Legal Medicine Institute, Police and Sector 3 Townhall to be able to burry him… Continue Reading

Rest in Peace, Radu

Rest in Peace, Radu

This is my favorite street boy. His name is Radu. I’ve known him for 16 years, having met him on my first visit to Bucharest when he was around 7 years old. He is just one of the children that no one wanted and so he was put out on the street to survive or… Continue Reading

Let’s All Talk About Abandoned Children of Romania

Now Accepting Donations for the Abandoned Children of Romania OK… we’ve finally launched a website for Archway, Inc. and Fundatia Archway Romania. And now? We need you. We need you to spread the word about the horrible conditions in which these abandoned children of Romania live. We need you to spread the word that we… Continue Reading