Our mission at ARCHWAY ROMANIA is simple:
to improve the quality of life of children living in the streets and sewers of Bucharest, Romania.

Our mission at ARCHWAY ROMANIA is simple:
to improve the quality of life of children living in the streets and sewers of Bucharest, Romania.

Archway Romania Easter Donation 2023

We are very happy to tell you that the donors and volunteers of Archway Romania were the Easter Bunny this year too and made a surprise to poor and needy children for Easter and gave them presents with many sweets, juice, fruits, chocolate and traditional Easter food.

A table filled with lots of food and stuffed animals.
A group of people standing in front of a wall.

We want to thank the donors and volunteers of Archway Romania for all the support given to accomplish this mission and please help us further in order to support poor and needy children to continue to go to school and to live in a cleaner and more decent life.

Our mission is to help together poor and needy children with essential food to survive the difficult everyday life in safe conditions and to be able to continue to go to school, so they don’t dropout school due to poverty.

A family standing in front of a building with bags.
A group of people standing in a room.
A group of people standing around an apple display.
A table filled with lots of food and stuffed animals.